Monday, February 16, 2009

Rep. Kanjorski: $550 Billion Disappeared in "Electronic Run On the Banks"

Let me just start by saying that this is my first post, and thank you for reading. Once you take a look at this video above.. maybe you will be as baffled as I was, and think to yourself.. WHAT IS GOING ON? How exactly was there an "Electronic run on the banks" that very well may have depleted 5.3 trillion dollars from the American economy and "ended the world as we know it."
How could this happen? What exactly made this happen? 
The sad part is this Congressman probably has no idea, and neither do we the American people. Then he explains how we NEED banks for a functioning economy... and this is where I just get really sad. Did we learn nothing from Marxism? I do not believe that we can be so naive to not realize that these banks are causing a "theft" cycle within our government. With all these bankruptcies and bailouts someone is benefitting. Why should we care though when we have all the credit we could ever want? We can ask China to pay for our wars and owe them trillions of dollars. We can fund the largest prison system in the world and the most extensive civil drug war the world may ever see. Whatever happened to National Security.. shouldn't that go hand-in-hand with financial security? If these banks failed us before.. why won't they do it again? I'm glad my tax dollars are going to building 500 billion dollar embassies in Iraq and putting Tommy Chong in jail for making water-pipes and they somehow tied that into supporting terrorism.. If my have my name on a bong I'm responsible for people acquiring the means to kill people in protest?? Let's get real and support each other in this.. we need to educate ourselves as to why this happened, and ask the government for real "sound" money that's worth something and not some credit-backed currency that's pretty much owned by foreign countries we borrow money from. SCARY. Needless to say.. I'm baffled that this guy says that somehow all this money was being depleted from our treasury and our society nearly collapsed, and he can't even explain it fully... or know where a solution could be derived from. He too is leaving all the hope in this new bailout. I'm glad the CEOs of these lending companies can still have their private jets and people are losing their jobs everyday and aren't able to keep their lights on. Organized crime? Perhaps.. Damn it feels good to be a BANKER.

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